
This gemlog post (on Gemini) about NFTs is excellent, and really soothing to read, without ever being condescending gemini://jsreed5.org/log/2022/202206/20220612-thoughts-on-nfts.gmiIntro to Gemini: https://geminiquickst.art

Since I'm on Resonate:"WTF I love boombap hiphop now""WTF I love hauntology dream ambient postrock now""WTF I love avant-garde orchestral metal now"I'm exaggerating a bit but after having second-hand listened to top 50 crap for years I… love hiphop?? Like Mundy really can be compared to GY!BE??

@af yeah, I found so many new, interesting artists I would otherwise never have heard of through resonate! not having any mainstream stuff on it can be real blessing.

...when it's not busy also being a curse, anyway. :^)

I encountered this issue while using Bonfire: after filling out the Location or Website fields, trying to set them back to empty (by leaving their inputs empty on the settings page) fails, throwing up the following error:The function scrub_change/4 in module Elixir.EctoSparkles.SanitiseStrings didn't receive data in a format it can recognise@BonfireBuilders #bonfire_feedback #bonfire_bugs sentry.io/organizations/bonf...