
Hm, it took me entirely too long to understand that the back button is like a browser back rather than a "leave this thread" back button. Users are trained for the latter, so perhaps this is an opportunity to have a think about going back through your history vs going back "home" as useful features and how the UI can do both@BonfireBuilders #bonfire_feedback

I have a suggestion for Bonfire: very cool that you can link a word in a post! UX suggestion: give the URL a rollover indicator – it's underlined as a link, but the fact that you can click on the underlined as well as elsewhere in the post and then go to two different places is unexpected behavior@BonfireBuilders #bonfire_feedback

I have a suggestion for Bonfire: I was clicked on my profile as I've just joined. I wrote my first post and expected to see it as the first thing to populate my timeline. @BonfireBuilders #bonfire_feedback

That's all folks...