As I was DJing tonight, I realized that a significant difference between how I feel behind the ol' "1s and 2s" and how I feel behind my keyboard at work is that with the latter, I'm constantly judging myself. I'm judging myself for not entirely solving the problem optimally. I'm feeling myself about the feedback others give and why I didn't realize it in the first place. I'm judging how my peers will perceive me and my performance. It's no fault of anyone's besides my own: I constantly tell myself: "not good enough." "Not fast enough." "Not useful enough."When I make art, I make it solely for making art. There is no grade. There is no rubric. There are no rules. There is just me, existing, translating what I see into music without evaluating how good, fast, and valuable it is. It makes me happy. That is the rubric.I think it's important to remember that the person behind the desk should not be judged not by how good, fast, or valuable their work is. They should be honored and celebrated based on the fact that they are here, existing. Doing what they need to be happy.