Sorry, misclicked. Anyway, here's the link I've meant to insert inline : I've said earlier, media should either be click to download or shown in full height (prroportional to the screen width obviously). Forcing people to click to access to media is one way among many others to make vulnerable people more vulnerable. It's predation.@BonfireBuilders #bonfire_feedback +Bonfire_Feedback

Sorry, misclicked. Anyway, here's the link I've meant to insert inline : I've said earlier, media should either be click to download or shown in full height (prroportional to the screen width obviously). Forcing people to click to access to media is one way among many others to make vulnerable people more vulnerable. It's predation.@BonfireBuilders #bonfire_feedback +Bonfire_Feedback

(More precisely it's one way among others to reinforce learned helplessness, especially as a catalyzer for depression. Inbox flood, senseless notifications flood should the profile be especially active, showing potential for deeper isolation and more contents generation, are other examples.)