Every definition of "entrepreneur" I can find involves an (heroic) individual... but I don't want the future of co-operativism to depend in any way on that sort of romantic individualism.I want co-operatives to, instead, develop collective modes of deliberation and consensus building, with as little institutionalization of power structures and as little reliance on charismatic personalities as possible.
I really like your idea of using existing, or creating the needed file metadata to enable #a11y
This is gonna sound silly, but in a best-effort attempt at making computers and the internet more accessible, I'd like to suggest making the alt text editor edit directly the image metadata ("notes" field), and then use the metadata as the alt fieldWhat do y'all think? #a11y #accessibility@BonfireBuilders #bonfire_feedback
I tested with a different browser and had a look at your post with the initial link. The embedded video is sent to an Invidious instance, but the link itself is not?
I'd expect the URL to link to an Invidious instance, too.
But nonetheless: Wow, cool that you developed this so fast 🤗
It seems like it's not working? A normal Markdown link is fine, right?
Would it be possible to sort threads chronologically?Currently it seems like they are sorted reversed.See here for an exampleIt makes the threading view a bit confusing. (At least from my point of view)@BonfireBuilders #bonfire_feedback
It would be really nice to be able to set redirect URLs for Youtube Videos, Instagram Posts etc.The Fedilab App does provide it and then replaces all links to Youtube with the preset Invidous URL for example.@BonfireBuilders #bonfire_feedback
I have a suggestion for Bonfire: @BonfireBuilders #bonfire_feedback The default avatar pictures seem to depict robots mostly. That sends a weird message I think.Also their style doesn't fit to bonfire, you should be a squirrel or a bear instead, if you're not going for totally abstract default avatars.
Goodness 🙄 the font size in this compose box is almost unreadably small. Please do make the default larger - the same size as is used to display the popst being responded to would be fine.
That's all folks...