it seems fixedhow to mark this task as completed ?
another examples
I don't find the feedback button with a small viewport
On a simulated iPhone SE (375px width) i can't see the whole post without horizontal scrollbar
Following this topic : +what_if_the_category_has_a_long_name_without_spaces also break the display in "Favourited topics" of this one
i can open the form to edit this task, but i'm not the ownerwhen i try to update, i got an error
but i'm tired, so i go to sleep and stop trying to discover the limits of the playground #doestrendingtopicssupportveryveryveryveryveryveryveryverylonghashtag
Maybe i have to do many post to be in trending topics #doestrendingtopicssupportveryveryveryveryveryveryveryverylonghashtag
i don't know the rules of when and how the trending topics are updated #doestrendingtopicssupportveryveryveryveryveryveryveryverylonghashtag
Try to do a post with #doestrendingtopicssupportveryveryveryveryveryveryveryverylonghashtag an horizontal scrollbar will be displayed in the compose box, i do a mess