Honestly I feel like using Bonfire to create and assign myself tasks and to coordinate would make me proud of what I’m doing, which is the exact opposite of either Twitter or Mastodon. It’s also an impressive feat and I can’t wait for its first stable release (I’ll tell everyone about it).

Hello everyone. I am part of a UX team. We are working with the people of Bonfire (@ivan and @mayel ). This time I would leave this survey so each of you can answer it, and we can do a better job on our part. It will be available until Monday 17 at 5 pm, so I would appreciate it if you answer it as soon as possible.Thanks in advance.https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1swY6eVAL8XDXnMBuEyMIyqAAHgNcjN3H6ltxP9Yq6VQ/edit
Erving Goffman's "Asylum" is an excellent reading on how not to implement a social media : the capitalistic ones are designed to turn into total institutions for their socially isolated users. I won't mince words to please do-gooders, cutting millions of people's time schedules to the bone of meals and 5 hours of sleep per night, lifting social activities, studies, work, and family life, is a crime against humanity.
Still on holiday and taking a break from social media in general, but sharing this here as it's relevanito the kinds of conversations that (I believe) @BonfireBuilders are trying to create... dougbelshaw.com/blog/2022/08...
👋 Hello, @ivan and I would like to share with you our application for the next round of the nlnet user operated fund: https://nlnet.nl/useroperated/tl;dr we want to implement groups on bonfire, based on the work we did with boundaries and circles: hackmd.io/BlYSKmlcSk2yn_iAxS... Any feedback is more than welcome 🔥 (deadline is tomorrow, so we are quite tight with timing unfortunately)
I feel like the deprecation of internet links and other internet-native rich formatting features like block quotes, as well as hidden or hard restrictions on characters length hollowing contents from their substance make me post with little motivation, increasing by contrast, unconsciously, the crave for the usual brain stimulation reward.Nowadays I enjoy my mistakes because I feel like by taking them positively, as an opportunity to learn from them and to do better, I'm becoming more motivated about these things. It's a virtuous circle that attention economy corps have blocked for about a decade.Bonfire doesn't have this problem.
Every definition of "entrepreneur" I can find involves an (heroic) individual... but I don't want the future of co-operativism to depend in any way on that sort of romantic individualism.I want co-operatives to, instead, develop collective modes of deliberation and consensus building, with as little institutionalization of power structures and as little reliance on charismatic personalities as possible.
Alright, circles and boundaries are now available!
Transcribing them here:
Example circles
- Besties
- In-laws
- Trip mates
Example boundaries
- Memes & lols
- Summer '22 trip
- It takes a village
One way to think about it is circle names are simply about what the people in them have in common, whilst boundary names should probably be more about what kind of content you'll share and what permissions you'll grant over it to whom (note that a boundary can contain multiple circles and individual users, granting different permissions to each).
So extending your example, I could imagine having:
- Devs
- Bonfire devs
- Techies
- Tech stuff (granting see/read/interact permissions to those 3 circles)
- Coding resources (granting the same to the first 2 circles)
- Bonfire collab (granting additional permissions to Bonfire devs circle, like the ability to edit and delete)
We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art, and very often in our art, the art of words.
A quick update: we're just about ready to release the first iteration of circles and boundaries, which you can read about here: bonfirenetworks.org/posts/in... We deployed the update to the playground earlier but ran into a mysterious issue that didn't appear until now, so have rolled back to the previous version until we figure that one out. Wish us luck! 🤞
It's a rare gift, to know where you need to be, before you've been to all the places you don't need to be.
On Code of Conducts ❤️ Image: archbudzar
👋 As part of upcoming milestones, we're implementing a way for users to create circles (like in the old G+), but going beyond using it to define audiences (i.e. visibility of content), with very granular ways to define permissions on what you post (i.e. so you can give one of your circles permission to edit your post, or use it simply to lock-down who can reply, etc).Along with that will come customisable roles for instance administration and moderation (to go beyond just having "admins"), and so we're thinking about what's needed for that, feedback and suggestions are welcome 😃, see details at https://github.com/bonfire-networks/bonfire-app/issues/406#bonfire_feedback
Otherwise, the UI is looking gorgeous. At first I thought “what’s this all about? We already have Mastodon.” But now I see you’re trying to build a set of tools which can be mixed and matched to suit individual communities, and suddenly I’m very excited about that. I’d definitely love to see how this progresses! I can see this being great for small communities if it’s easy to set up, can be easily tailored to suit the community’s needs, and is a really user-friendly experience. Awesome stuff, it’s looking very promising! Gorgeous design, I love the whole Bonfire branding.
Hello Multiverse!
I have wanted them to have this simple definition to read again and again so they know: Feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression.
- bell hooks, Feminism is for Everybody

That's all folks...