a visible group
another post
first post in group
boundaries and circles atm they're not really usable, we've been iterating through different UXs, and we plan to work on them in the coming month
this is a mockup of the pin component that lets users pin an activity / object anywhere (based on their permissions)
I've asked around and we have 4-5 friends atm - looking to increase diversity tough
they're all done, prob minor editing are needed .
added current existing faqs here:https://notes.zo.team/faqs
I've created a pad with the list of most relevant (software) crowdfunding campaigns here: notes.zo.team/campaigns
that's quite interestinghttps://learn.indiegogo.com/planning-your-campaign-essential-guide/
We've just published a new blog post that includes the presentation we did for the italian privacyweek (recorded again in english)blog post: https://bonfirenetworks.org/posts/bonfire_at_privacyweek/presentation on loom: loom.com/share/ccc0425af2934d0
that's fixed with the last responsive work 💪
it does not seem fixed yet (eg. on the list page)
that's because atm the composer is open & minimized by default and hide the bottom nav
i'm excited 😍 we finally seems to have reached a new phase in bonfire development - where we're start working and discussing more subtle improvements or specific UX cases - while relying on a strong foundation. Lot of room for improvements, but we're getting there, thanks for partecipating in it 😍
Thanks, it's because of a wrong url generated when the task is created - fixing now
done: notes.zo.team/DyZVcgBXS6ip_Q... 😘
We've started working on #coordination app - a simple task tracker extension.
Here some first mockups: design.penpot.app/#/view/a90...