@bonfire @ivan Because for various reasons – because we aren't in a downwards spiral where attention is scarce so/because we would fear reaching out for each other – this does feel as microblog, a comfortable spot between sharing cognitive resources – as a blogger – and looking up for your followers, like we do with our loved ones and this is even what Facebook was meant for, at first. Facebook and Twitter aren't social, as a sociology student I promise you that capitalism is an anthropological aberration, pioneers in my discipline have made the demonstration trivial, but in a social setting we share cognitive resources because we care for each other and Bonfire is the only online place where I can do this, where I can bond with my readers. (I'm glad my former blog had 200 readers, but I didn't know who they were.)
@af @bonfire yeah sorry I wasn't really clear... imo curating threads is a key topic in bonfire (and in social network in general I guess). Curate means a lot, and I guess the concept spans from adding specific features to improve the thread experience (like the possibility to add a title to the whole thread - so that is easier to understand a post scope when navigating the timeline, to sort the replies by most liked / recent / replied comments, to give the possibility to close a thread or vote the best answer (in that specific case when it is a meaningful action to do), to add backlinks to create a tree of relevant threads, etc).

But what if we include the possibility to add roles to users for threads? Eg. the thread moderator, the thread merger (which is responsible of cleaning the thread tree by merging together similar answers together), thread taxonomer (who is responsible of putting threads in their relevant topics), and so on

I guess somehow is about exploring the interconnections between social gardening , social networks and forums :)

uhm I feel i was more confused than before, let see if some more coffee helps 😅 😅 😅

@bonfire @ivan Honestly a social network where most posts are edited in the XMPP way (last post only) or redacted does seem pretty cool. (It also implies that people won't desperately post to get their dopamine shot.) (We're nailing it, most credits go to Mayel and you of course, but thank you for letting us be part of it.)
@bonfire @ivan Because for various reasons – because we aren't in a downwards spiral where attention is scarce so/because we would fear reaching out for each other – this does feel as microblog, a comfortable spot between sharing cognitive resources – as a blogger – and looking up for your followers, like we do with our loved ones and this is even what Facebook was meant for, at first. Facebook and Twitter aren't social, as a sociology student I promise you that capitalism is an anthropological aberration, pioneers in my discipline have made the demonstration trivial, but in a social setting we share cognitive resources because we care for each other and Bonfire is the only online place where I can do this, where I can bond with my readers. (I'm glad my former blog had 200 readers, but I didn't know who they were.)
@bonfire @ivan Because for various reasons – because we aren't in a downwards spiral where attention is scarce so/because we would fear reaching for each other – this does feel as microblog, a comfortable spot between sharing cognitive resources – as a blogger – and looking up for your followers, in a "finite", curved, cluster model – a typical use case of social media, and an actual feature for a lot of people. In a social setting we switch from one "mode" to the other fluidly, we share cognitive resources because we care, so anyway, thank you for what you're doing, to me and my loved ones.