Hi @Antonela, I can’t answer to this survey from the Tails. FYI Facil provides a (French-speaking) Yakform instance here.

Hi @oceane, I didn't know Tails. And the French-speaking instance says "Not found" perhaps is a "me" problem. About the characters, we didn't want to make it so extend to encourage more responses

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I wanted to contribute, but the UX of that form is horrendous. I'm used to hunting between 'United Kingdom', 'Great Britain' and 'England' on drop-downs, but none of them seem to exist?Also, if you want the form to be anonymous then don't ask for my exact age but rather give age brackets for me to choose from.Finally, I couldn't change the language of the form. 😐

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Hi Doug, It was my mistake not to have noticed that in the countries section were in Spanish, but I already solved it. I'm going to take into consideration the age, it's good that you made me notice.Regarding the French in the survey, I do not have the power to change it. It's something to deal with when switching from Google Forms to Frama Soft which is French.

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Hi @Antonela, I can’t answer to this survey from the Tails. FYI Facil provides a (French-speaking) Yakform instance here.

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Hi @oceane, I didn't know Tails. And the French-speaking instance says "Not found" perhaps is a "me" problem. About the characters, we didn't want to make it so extend to encourage more responses

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Hi @Antonela, sorry it was a "me" problem because I could just (and have) completed the survey from a Windows computer at my university. But it’s also the problem that the Framasoft servers are de facto kinda large and well-known and thus are targeted by criminals through spam bots, who use the Tor network to stay anonymous, so Framasoft have to block Tor exit nodes.

Good to know that you were able to complete the survey! Each answer added us a lot. On the other hand it is good to know that about Framasoft.

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I’m not saying you should re-upload this survey to Yakform for this reason alone (I use Windows daily) but with the UX problem, it could weigh a bit.