I have a suggestion for Bonfire: @BonfireBuilders #bonfire_feedback +Tropic_the_Topic It seems strange that the topic view doesn't displays nested comments.What is a topic, a more "stable" place for discussion and moderation (which would benefit from nesting), a collection of things that belong together (more like tags), or an automated user (as topics are "boosting" posts)??

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@Dragan_Espenschied @Tropic_the_Topic it is like a collection of things that belong together, like "channels" where only users with specific permissions can add / moderate stuff.

Being the topic an AP actor, other users can follow and receive notification each time something get published (and automatically re-boosted by the topic)

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Probably because, differently from channels, our topics include the possibility to be grouped in a taxonomy tree, so that eg: the "All about veganism" topic can be a children of "nutrition" and parent of "tofu recipes" topics (Nd such taxonomy is also federated, so the tree can span different instances as well once we get it)